Jean-François Tremblay – E.A.

Jean-François Tremblay - É.A. Associé principal - Division évaluation immobilière

Jean-François Tremblay - É.A.

Associate | L2G Immobilier Inc.
Real Estate Valuation Division
Senior partner of L2G Immobilier Inc

He has been in charge of our Quebec City office since March 2016 and is supported by a team of experienced chartered appraisers. He has practiced the profession since at the head of 1988 in numerous fields and acquired the title of chartered appraiser in 2003. He has been developing his expertise in private practice in multidisciplinary for more than 35 years. Its L2G Immobilier’s clientele extends mainly to the eastern regions of Quebec, but also to other Canadian provinces and the United States.

Other team members

Pierre Larue - Associé principal - Développement des affaires

Pierre Larue
Senior associate
Business development


Jean-François Tremblay - É.A. Associé principal - Division évaluation immobilière

Jean-François Tremblay – É.A.
Senior associate
Real Estate Valuation Division


Denis Goulet
Equipment Evaluation Division

Maxime Larue
Associate | Director
Equipment Evaluation Division

Jonathan Blouin – É.A.
Associate | Director
Real Estate Valuation Division